Motivate with Coach Camp

The Motivate with Coach Camp podcast is a collaboration of personal life stories, perspectives, philosophies, and the stories of others, intended to provide inspiration, motivation, and hope to others to grow the mind, body, and soul.

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Monday Dec 25, 2023

When I started down the road of podcasting I had no idea what to expect or how it would sound.  I just knew that I wanted to put together something that could help others and something that connected to people’s lives.
Looking back over the first season of the Coach Camp podcast I can honestly say that I far surpassed any possible expectations I would have ever had. The one thing that really caught me off guard more than anything was the impact that my guests ended up having on me.  It really taught me the meaning of why it is better to give than receive.  While I was giving a platform to others to share their story I was being filled with great appreciation and perspective that I would never have gotten on my own.
For this December 25th I just wanted to send out a heartfelt thanks to all my guests that participated, the people that donated, and Boba Cream for sponsoring me.  I can’t do this without others help.  Particularly my producer Derrick Michaud and Shelby Row Productions.  God has truly blessed me more than I could ever deserve.  I pray that 2024 is filled with great blessings and much love to all of those that listen and support this podcast.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Dec 18, 2023

Thankfully, for most people, making a split second life or death decision is not something they will have to do in their lifetime.  However, some professions require an individual to face this situation multiple times throughout their career. 
This week’s guests, Mr. Dennis Bowen, decided to become a first responder at a very young age. Starting out in fire and EMS he realized he had a knack for handling high stress calls and helping others quickly become his passion.
Like most first responders, Dennis loved the action and adrenaline that emergency calls brought.  Also, like most first responders, he enjoyed a hard challenge and pushing himself to be better and do more.  It was this insatiable desire to grow that led him down the path of becoming a police officer in Memphis, Tennessee.  If you are from the area, you know that Memphis is a very dangerous town that is riddled with crime.  
Dennis shares with us his very personal struggle with addiction that was brought on after he had to make one of the toughest calls an officer has to make.  Dennis shows us the very vulnerable side of policing and how one moment in time can change everything in your world.  
If you want to know more about Dennis you can look him up @bethesdafishing
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Dec 11, 2023

When it comes to being genuine and down to earth, this week’s guest checks both boxes.  Mr. Musselwhite has been the mayor of Southaven, MS since 2013 and has seen a ton of changes take place in this Northwest Mississippi town.  
Growing up in the town that you eventually become mayor of gives someone a unique perspective and understanding of where a town has come from.  Maya Angelou once said, “You can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been.”  Mr. Musselwhite certainly knew where Southaven had come from and he had a vision for where it could go.
Southaven happens to be in the top three when it comes to populations in the state of Mississippi and is the largest by far in DeSoto County.  With so much growth and commerce, Southaven is certainly the spearhead of change and innovation.  Tune in to hear how the mayor of this thriving city grew up playing baseball and eventually played for Ole Miss and then became an insurance salesman and then took the leap into politics.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Dec 04, 2023

Kicking off the month of December, I had the unique opportunity to share the mic with not one, but two amazing fellow podcasters.  Mrs. Synot joins the show all the way from the land down under.  She was literally one day ahead when we sat down to have our conversation.  She has ran and operated a podcast called “Brave Conversations” for over 10 years.  Her podcast shares the stories of individuals that have overcome difficult times and found a path to success through their faith in God.
Her partner, Tom Mann, joined the Brave Conversations podcast recently when Mrs. Synot decided she wanted the perspective and insight from a male.  While Mr. Mann may have just joined the Brave Conversations podcast, he certainly isn’t new to podcasting.  He owns and operates “Emergencyfd Storyline” podcast and has served in communications for decades.  In the world of podcasting one might call them the dream team of casting pods.  
As you listen to them share how they got started in communications, give sensitive details of their past, and provide insight to what motivates them; you will easily understand why their guests feel comfortable opening up and allowing themselves to be vulnerable.  You are guaranteed to be touched by their authenticity and love for others.  And just as an added bonus, Mrs. Synot’s accent is really cool to hear on the radio.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Nov 27, 2023

Wow!  That is the best way I know how to start this entry.  When the idea came to me about putting together something to honor our veterans, I had no idea what a treat I was in for.  Not knowing if there were any WWII vets in the area, I figured it was a long shot, but man am I glad I took that shot.
The two veterans I was able to interview had unique stories that should both be in a movie theater somewhere.  I would have been happy with that, but as it turns out, there was one more surprise waiting for me.  I was put in contact with Mrs. Diane Hight that is the founder and CEO of the nonprofit, Forever Young Veterans, which is based in Collierville, TN.  
When I did my research and found out that she runs a nationally known organization, has been interviewed thousands of times, by name brand reporters and a renowned author, I never thought I would have an opportunity to interview her.  However, much to my surprise she did accept an invitation and boy am I glad she did!  Her story of how she had this dream put into motion and how it has grown since 2006 will inspire you to get off that sofa and move on your dreams with a purpose.  Her hardships as a child led her down a path that has had such an amazing impact on so many deserving vets.  Mrs. Hight said it best, “Take your mess and make it your message.”  Trust me, you need to hear her message!
If you would like to learn about how you could become involved or you would like to donate, please visit
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Nov 20, 2023

Part two begins with the story about Mr. Pickens and Mr. Honeycut making their daring escape only to be recaptured but then eventually freed by U.S. Troops.
“You should be prepared because everyone here today will either be killed or captured.”  Imagine you are 21 years of age, in the military, and in a foreign country; your commanding officer gives you this information and now you must face an inevitable demise.  Well, this is exactly what Mr. Pickens and the crew of 250 other men in his company were told as the Germans closed in and the fighting began at Fiyad Pass on February 15, 1943.
Once the dust settled there were 75 U.S. soldiers killed and the rest were captured, including Mr. Pickens.  Little did he and the others know, but this was just this beginning of what would be a hellish 26 months that would test Mr. Olin’s mental and physical strength beyond what most of us could ever imagine, but it was his faith in God that carried him through.
This two part episode was necessary to share his entire journey that includes countless miles marched in captivity, starvation, horrible weather conditions, escape and then recapture, and finally his rescue and his safe return home.
We are blessed to have such a true American hero share his story with us and his unwavering love for God and country.  Thank God for men like you sir!
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Nov 13, 2023

“You should be prepared because everyone here today will either be killed or captured.”  Imagine you are 21 years of age, in the military, and in a foreign country; your commanding officer gives you this information and now you must face an inevitable demise.  Well, this is exactly what Mr. Pickens and the crew of 250 other men in his company were told as the Germans closed in and the fighting began at Fiyad Pass on February 15, 1943.
Once the dust settled there were 75 U.S. soldiers killed and the rest were captured, including Mr. Pickens.  Little did he and the others know, but this was just this beginning of what would be a hellish 26 months that would test Mr. Olin’s mental and physical strength beyond what most of us could ever imagine, but it was his faith in God that carried him through.
This two part episode was necessary to share his entire journey that includes countless miles marched in captivity, starvation, horrible weather conditions, escape and then recapture, and finally his rescue and his safe return home.
We are blessed to have such a true American hero share his story with us and his unwavering love for God and country.  Thank God for men like you sir!
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Nov 06, 2023

Imagine the year is 1941 and you awake to the news that Pearl Harbor has been attacked.  Now your country has been pulled into a World War that has cost so many their lives.  As a young male during those times, the thought of serving their country was never a second thought.  Young people even forged their age in order to enlist and go serve.  Fighting for America was a thing of honor and sacrificing their life for future generations was something so many of our service members did without a minutes consideration.
This weeks guest proudly signed up and was eager to serve his country at a very young age.  Mr. Robbins enlisted as an infantryman and was heading off to Normandy for the big D-day invasion.  The moment that changed his entire story came when he saw the opportunity to become a chief.  So, instead of being a part of the initial wave of soldiers that hit the beach his boat stayed off shore for 4 days.  By the time his company was allowed to make shore there were already hundreds of dead soldiers lining the beach.  Mr. Robbins and his crew made entry into France and it wasn’t long before he settled into the town of Briea.  
This is where our story really begins!  What happens next is something straight out of a blockbuster romantic movie.  KT falls in love with a young French girl and the rest is something you have to hear for yourselves.  I would do it no justice trying to describe the events that happened next.  Spoiler alert…I might have shed a tear or two, but they were most certainly happy tears.  
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.  
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Oct 30, 2023

This week’s guest is a lifelong friend that shares years of memories with myself and my family.  He is a husband, a father, a grandfather and holds many other titles earned.  He is retired from FedEx and currently the President and CEO of KidzArt,LLC.  
He has spent a lifetime serving and helping others and now at a time when many might consider slowing down for retirement, Randy is looking to become a public servant as a State Representative.
Going into politics at any age can be a difficult decision and for a man that has accomplished so much for so many I had to find out why he would choose to jump into such a demanding lifestyle.  
His answer was simple, “I feel like I have something to offer.”  After our conversation, I would have to say that I totally agree.  Tune in to hear how he grew up fast when he decided to get married at the young age of 16 and start a family.  Randy has now been married to his wife for almost 50 years and he has 2 children and 6 grandchildren.  I know that you will find his resolve to provide for his family and help the community to be both heartwarming and inspirational.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more. 
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Oct 23, 2023

In our lifetime we are fortunate if we meet just a dozen people on this planet that have a true heart for growing others.  This week’s guest is without question one of those unique souls.  
Robert Carter may be a banker, but he is a true humanitarian through and through.  His love and passion for life goes without saying, but this true desire to see others give and be their best really shines through when he is coaching his team.  
If you have ever had a coach in your life that you knew would do anything to help you be the best version of you, then you will certainly feel like you know Robert when you check out our conversation.
Not only is he a great coach, a great friend, a great husband and a great father, but he is the connecting link to how I got teamed up with Derrick Michaud and SRP studios and how the Motivate with Coach Camp podcast came to be.  This was a great honor to share the mic with the one that started it all!
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website  Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more. 
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🎧 LISTEN - Apple and Spotify
This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC


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