Motivate with Coach Camp

The Motivate with Coach Camp podcast is a collaboration of personal life stories, perspectives, philosophies, and the stories of others, intended to provide inspiration, motivation, and hope to others to grow the mind, body, and soul.

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Monday Apr 15, 2024

“To be worthy does not mean to be perfect.”
After spending a week in Tulsa, Oklahoma, filming for a reality TV show, which put entrepreneurs against each other competing for cash prizes, I quickly realized I was way outside of my comfort zone.  Sitting in my hotel room at the end of the first day, I questioned if I had made a bad decision and if I was ready for such exposure.  After a hard talk with myself I knew the only choice to make was to stay and give my best effort.
This momentary lapse in confidence caused me to take pause and remember that the only regret in life should be that of a venture not taken.  Being in an unfamiliar place and feeling inadequate is a very humbling experience.  The growth that we can experience during that time is greater than anything you could imagine.  The fear of the unknown and self-doubt can be crippling at times and that is why I decided to share this moment and allow my vulnerability to be my strength.
Acknowledging my weaknesses and humbling myself to ask for help was just as difficult for me as it is for my guests and I know that this moment in time will be reflected upon as one of the most pivotal moments of my Coach Camp journey.  I hope that you find this episode to be both inspiring and relatable.  If you decide to help financially I want you to know that every penny will go to grow the podcast and its message.  If you can’t contribute at this time your continued support and love is much appreciated.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Thursday Apr 11, 2024

Real-life Seinfeld moment, camping, home protection(sort of), spiders
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Apr 08, 2024

My Guest Ms. Betsy Bailey, was addicted to Meth for years and is now on a mission to help others beat addiction.
“Sometimes you have to break down before you can have a breakthrough.”
I feel like it is fair to say that most people don’t wake up one day and decide that they really would love a life of difficulties.  For most people that find themselves on a dark and lonely road, they can usually trace their inception of troubled times to either a rough childhood or poor personal choices as they got older.
My guest this week found herself making bad choices in friends and ultimately poor choices in men in her early adult years.  She never blamed anyone for her poor choices and she had plenty of regrets, but she likewise recognized that she can’t start over and write a new beginning, she can only start now and write an epic finish.
Ms. Bailey has felt the lowest of the lows, as you will hear as she tells her story.  She understands why some of her family had given up on her after her many relapses and multiple incarcerations.  It was when she found her ex-husband dead of an overdose that she asked God to either change her life or take it.  Then that same day a friend that she had not heard from in over 20 years happened to call her and ask how she was doing.  You will need to tune in to get the full story, and trust me…You need to hear this amazing testimony.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction please reach out before it’s too late…Life is worth living.  If you are in the Memphis area you can reach out to Woodland Recovery Center at 662-222-2989 or contact Stacy Dodd 24/7 at 662-420-9421.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Derrick and Coach tell stories about some dumb decisions they made. Both from youth and adulthood. Car fire, caught with beer and destroying government property and much more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Apr 01, 2024

“Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, pray for powers equal to your tasks.” P. Brooks
My guest this week has put service before self for most of his adult life.  Never being one to put limits on himself Mr. Shepherd served in several capacities with different police departments.
He and I became acquainted one afternoon when we just so happened to sit next to each other while giving a blood donation. I learned that he was running for Sheriff of Tate County and this was his first time running for an elected position.  At the time of our conversation the election was just around the corner.  I was immediately intrigued and asked him if he were to be elected would he consider coming on my show and discussing the ins and outs of running for an elected position and give his perspective on his new position.  He agreed and as they say, the rest is history.
Mr. Shepherd shares with my listeners how his background in his faith has molded him to be the person he is today and how he hopes to finish his days serving the people of Tate County.  He gives some insight as to what some of the needs are of Tate County and where he hopes to see things in the years to come.  I can go on record as saying you would be hard pressed to find someone more caring and compassionate about their profession and the people he serves.  I know you will enjoy learning more about the new Sheriff in town, Mr. Luke Shepherd.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Mar 25, 2024

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” ~ Romans 8:18
There are approximately 5.5 million people in America that are paralyzed.  Every year there are millions that suffer some kind of traumatic injury and one of the most life altering injuries are those involving the spinal cord.  Even with amazing advances in medicine, the nervous system is one of the most intricate and complex systems in the human body.
On September 28, 2010, my guest, Mr. Joyner, suffered an accident that would change the trajectory of the rest of his life.  After graduating top of his class in his HVAC program, he had hopes of making a career for himself and his family.  Unfortunately, while helping a friend complete some electrical work he fell approximately 20 feet to the ground and crushed some vertebra leaving him paralyzed from the waist down.
Our conversation gives the listener some perspective on the many challenges paraplegics face in everyday society and gives some food for thought on how we can all do a little more to help those in a wheelchair.  Mr. Joyner’s story of perseverance and positive approach to life, will inspire you to find the silver lining when faced with great adversity.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Thursday Mar 21, 2024

In this podcast episode, Coach Camp and Derrick delve into the theme of "cannonballing" through life, emphasizing the importance of humor and authenticity. They discuss their podcast's approach to serious topics and their personal comedic sides. Coach recounts his attempt at stand-up comedy, highlighting the challenges and his learning process. They share anecdotes about parenthood, teaching, and the nuances of comedy, illustrating the value of laughter and realness in life's journey. The episode is a blend of light-hearted banter and deeper reflections on embracing life's challenges with a sense of humor.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Mar 18, 2024

“Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work.” ~ T. Edison
My guest this week knew that while growing up in a large family he could choose to be the victim or he could choose to be in charge.  Mr. Cole shares with my listeners how his embattled childhood gave him the tools needed to persevere and overcome great adversity.  
Mr. Cole had an idea of what he wanted to do when he grew up but that direction changed when he was afforded some opportunities to work and make money to help support his family.  When he was given the chance to set up a stage for a music group he pulled together 30 friends and family and knocked it out.  That hard work stood out and it led to his next gig, which led to the next, and before he knew it he was getting big offers making big money.
It was his hard work and attention to detail that quickly grew his reputation.  His success is beyond anything he could have ever imagined, but you will quickly understand why he was able to grow his company and become one of the premier businesses in this profession. 
Mr. Cole is extremely humble and he never forgot where he came from.  His willingness to help others and share his life, is truly inspiring.  You will easily see his genuine love for others and his story will help you believe anything can be possible if you are willing to work hard.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Mar 11, 2024

“If you want to see success, you have to do the work. Hard work is your best friend.”
According to the American Psychologist Association, in 2023, there has been a 45% increase in reported mental illness since 2019.  Naturally, this number does not reflect the millions of unreported mental health emergencies.
This week Ms. Rita and I discuss the importance of developing a healthy mind set and we review the many contributing factors that impact an individual’s mental state.  Ms. Rita shares how her own personal life struggles prepared her for a career helping others to overcome life’s many pitfalls.
The complexities of the human mind make it impossible to have a one size fits all approach.  The Region 4 Mental Health facility takes a one on one approach to learning and understanding each individual’s areas of concern and then personalized counseling helps to instill, in those individuals, the tools that will need to lead a happier and healthier life.
I encourage you to tune in to see what resources are available and how to access them.  I feel like we can all agree, life can very unpredictable and you never know when yourself or someone you love may find themselves in a difficult place.  Knowing how and where to access assistance can literally save a life. You can find assistance by calling: 1-888-287-4443.  There will be someone there to take your calls 24 hours a day – 7 days a week.
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

Monday Mar 04, 2024

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” 
I feel like everyone is born with a gift or a talent.  What works for one person, obviously, may not work for another.  It is for that reason that we must be attentive to those that are called to serve.  This week’s guest is a true patriot and has a heart to make a difference
Mr. Eubanks shares with my listeners how growing up with a father involved in politics laid the foundation to one day run for office himself.  After winning State Representative in 2016, his love for serving has grown, and now he hopes to serve all Americans as a United States Senator from Mississippi.  Politics can be an unforgiving, arduous task, that is often polarizing when mixed beliefs and ideologies clash.  In order to be effective, one must remember they are in voted to serve the people, not to serve themselves or personal interest groups. 
Mr. Eubanks is nothing other than authentic and genuine.  Our conversation describes the influences that helped to mold him into the person he is today, and I am certain that you would agree, he has his heart and priorities in the right place.  Regardless of who you support, the one thing Mr. Eubanks encourages all to do is vote!
Please continue to listen and support this podcast and be sure to check out my social media content on my website   Also, if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of this podcast please click the link below to learn more.
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🎧 LISTEN - Apple and Spotify
This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC


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