Monday May 13, 2024

Healing Must be Intentional: Mary Beth Fox, Licensed Counselor and Therapist.

Healing Must be Intentional– My Guest, Mrs. Mary Beth Fox, is a Licensed Counselor and Therapist.

“Success is loving life and daring to live it.” ~Maya Angelou

Growing can be difficult for a number of reasons.  Some may have childhood trauma from physical loss, some may have economic strife, others may lack structure in the home.  Regardless of the mechanism that causes the damage, figuring out how to overcome those hurdles as you get older could feel impossible.

My guest this week grew up with the pressure of feeling inadequate or never being good enough.  It’s fair to say that a lot of parents have an idea of what they want their kids to become as they get older.  This can become an issue when the child never feels like they can live up to those expectations.  Struggling to find her calling in life, Mary Beth was able to achieve several milestones in her early adult life, but she found herself struggling with depression and not knowing how to reach out for help.

It wasn’t until she was hit head on by a drunk driver and faced the possibility of being a quadriplegic that she started to find her inner strength.  After a few days, her feeling came back to her legs and miraculously she was able to walk again a short while later.  As she continued to heal physically it was her mental state that was struggling to find a balance.  Feeling like she finally had a reason to ask for mental help without being judged, Mary Beth took a different kind of first steps and found a therapist which began a long road to mental healing.

It was from all of those years of both mental and physical trauma and the help that she received that inspired her passion to become a therapist.  Now Mary Beth owns “Soulshine Counseling and Wellness” and writes a blog addressing mental health called, “Not Good Enough Stuff.”   I know you will be inspired by her unrelenting desire to thrive in life and now use her life’s struggles to encourage and empower others.

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This episode was recorded at SRP Studios and Produced by Shelby Row Productions LLC

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